Roman Imperatorial Julius Caesar 49-44 BC Silver Denarius
Roman Imperatorial Julius Caesar 49-44 BC Silver Denarius
Elephant walking right trampling on dragon / Emblems of pontificate
The Twelve Caesars
RCV1399; 17mm, 3.45g
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Born into an aristocratic family in 100BC Julius Caesar did not enter into political prominence until he was nearly 40 years old when he was elected to the office of pontifex maximus. Following a successful military command in Spain he held a praetorship before embarking on the first of his five consulships in 59BC. He then proposed a coalition between himself, Pompey and Crassus. This became known as the First Triumvirate and led to Caesar obtaining a 5 year proconsular command in Gaul. This appointment and his bloody but successful campaign in subduing Gaul, as well as his invasions of Britain in 55/54BC, gave him the military prestige and resources he needed before making his ultimate bid for power.
When Crassus was killed in 53BC the Triumvirate was destabilised and Caesar and Pompey were left to face each other as rivals. This came to head when Caesar invaded Italy crossing the River Rubicon and driving Pompey from Rome. The eventual showdown with Pompey came in 48BC at the Battle of Pharsalus. This resulted in Pompey’s defeat and death although his sons continued to campaign in Spain until Caesar eventually defeated then in 45BC. Caesar’s political preeminent then resulted in his appointment as Consul for life. When his portrait also started to appear on the coinage the Republicans, fearing the establishment of a dictatorship, had him assassinated in the Senate on the Ides of March in 44BC.
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