Otho AD 69 Silver Denarius Rome


Code: NR918

Otho AD 69 Silver Denarius

Bare head right / Securitas standing

The Twelve Caesars


RCV2163; 18mm, 3.25g

Otho was born to a family which had only recently been elevated to the nobility. He became a close friend to Nero however when his wife Poppaea started to receive Nero’s attention Otho found himself posted to Lusitania as governor. Poppaea remained in Rome and became Nero’s mistress before becoming his second wife. 3 years later Nero kicked her to death in a fit of rage. Otho unsurprisingly lost his affection for Nero and instead gave his support to Galba. When Galba revolted and became emperor in AD 68 after Nero’s suicide Otho was disappointed not to be appointed heir. Fomenting disaffection amongst the praetorian guard Otho seized the throne after Galba was assassinated in a coup d’etat in January AD 69. 
Unfortunately the Rhine legions had already declared for Vitellius and when the two rivals met in battle in northern Italy Otho’s army was routed after which Otho committed suicide.
Only gold and silver coins comprising aureus and denarius were issued by Otho. Otho is alleged to have been a vain and effeminate man and to have worn a wig.

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