Kings of Mercia Offa AD 757-796 Silver Penny Light coinage


Code: CS50

Kings of Mercia Offa AD 757-796 Silver Penny Light coinage

Small flan. OFFA REX in 2 lines. No portrait/ETHELNOTH

S904, 17mm, 1.22g

A most pleasing specimen, good metal, central strike, little wear and pleasing tone/provenance.

Recorded with the Early Medieval Coinage database held at the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, details and find spot will be provided.

Offa (757-796): The first King of Mercia to strike coins, Offa is perhaps one of the most famous Anglo-Saxon kings – and certainly the longest-ruling (c. 39 years). Although he probably was not the original builder of ‘Offa’s Dyke’ and his attempts to ingratiate himself with the Frankish King Charlemagne ultimately failed – by the time of his death he had built Mercia into Anglo-Saxon England’s powerhouse kingdom. J J North’s ‘English Hammered Coinage vol. I’ encompasses Offa’s coinage within c. 80 different types, which perhaps illustrates best the complexity of his various issues struck during his reign.

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