Honorius AD 393-423 Bronze Follis


Code: NR844

Honorius AD 393-423 Bronze Follis

Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right/Honorius with globe and standard


RCV20987; 21mm, 4.73g

Comes with previous collectors label

Honorius was the younger son of Theodosius I and Aelia Flacilla. Born in Constantinople he was made Augustus in AD 393 and on the death of his father inherited the Western empire in AD395. Initially he established his capital in Milan and later Ravenna after Rome was sacked in AD 410. Like his brother Arcadius Honorius was a weak and ineffective ruler and as a result power was devolved to his senior ministers with Stilicho, the son of a Vandal, being the most prominent.
It was during Honorius’ reign that the Romans withdrew from Britain. AD 410. Honorius was childless and his reign saw a number of ursurpers including Constantine III, Maximus and Jovinus. Some order was restored by Constantius III, a general who succeeded Stilicho as chief minister, and who eventually became co emperor with Honorius during the final years of Honorius’s reign.



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