Geta AD 209-211 Silver Denarius Rome VICTORIAE BRIT
Geta AD 209-211 Silver Denarius
Laureate bust right/ Victory standing left holding wreath and palm
Commemorating victories in Britannia.
Rome mint
A pleasing example
RCV7254; 19mm, 3.04g
Geta was the younger son of Septimius Severus and Julia Domna. Born in around AD 189 he was created Caesar when his elder brother Caracalla was made Augutus in AD 198. He travelled extensively throughout the empire before being made consul, along with his older brother Caracalla. Unfortunately the brothers hated each other and although their father Septimius Severus tried to get them to reconcile they finally pitted themselves in some sort of contest involving teams of ponies. Caracalla fell out of his chariot and broke his leg.
Geta was elevated to Augustus in AD209 and took over the administration of the British provinces. The victorious name Britannicus was added to his titles. When Septimius Severus died in AD 211 both brothers returned to Rome however Caracalla had his brother murdered shortly afterwards.
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