George III AD 1760-1820 Gold Guinea AD 1786


Code: NM161

George III AD 1760-1820 Gold Guinea AD 1786

4th laureate bust right / Crowned shield of arms

S3728; 24mm, 8.39g

Grandson of George II he married Charlotte of Mecklenburg with whom he had 15 children. He remains our longest reigning king and is remembered as the king who lost the American colonies as well as for his madness. Nevertheless the country was transformed during his reign during which the Industrial Revolution largely took place during the reign. This resulted in an increase in trade and wealth. Great Britain emerged victorious from the Napoleonic Wars where victory at the naval battle of Trafalgar had given Britain supremacy at sea. This allowed the vast expansion of the British Empire which took place during the 19th Century.

Whilst little silver or copper coinage was issued during the reign there were five issues of gold guinea coinage minted before the great recoinage took place in AD 1816.




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