Edward III AD 1327-1377 Silver Halfgroat York Pre Treaty 4th coinage
Edward III AD 1327-1377 Silver Halfgroat Pre Treaty 4th coinage
Facing bust
Class E
York mint
S1576, 22mm, 1.90g
Son of Edward II Edward III is another great warrior king of The Middle Ages and is most famous for his campaigns in France and the great English victories at Sluys, Crecy and Poitiers at the start of the Hundred Years War. A campaign against the Scots at the start of his reign was unsuccessful however when Edward dismissed his chief minister, Roger Mortimer, he agreed a truce before taking up arms against France.
The English won a naval victory at Sluys in AD 1340 which gave them control of the Channel. Landing an army in France Edward beat the French at Crecy capturing Calais. Ten years later his son Edward, The Black Prince, won an impressive victory at Poitiers thanks in part to the effectiveness of the English longbows. The Treaty of Bretigny in AD 1360 granted Edward additional territory in France although he also renounced his claim to the French throne. There was then a lull in the war and as Edward became older he became more lethargic leaving most of the campaigning to his sons
Edward’s reign saw the plague devastate England’s population as well as those of most other European countries. Edward instigated various Legal reforms but is better known for his creation of various orders of chivalry which include the Order of the Garter. Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales were also written towards the end of his reign.
The Groat was reintroduced during Edward’s reign together the first issue of gold coinage. Firstly the florin or leopard followed by the noble. In Ireland there was a small issue of silver halfpennies however there was a large issue of Anglo Gallic coins both in Edward’s name and also his son the Black Prince.
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