Commonwealth AD 1649-1660 Silver Shilling AD 1653
Commonwealth AD 1649-1660 Silver Shilling AD 1653
Shield / 2 Shields
mm. Sun
S3217, 31mm, 5.96g
After Charles I was executed in AD 1649 the Commonwealth introduced a series of gold and silver coins. These are unique in that their inscriptions are in English rather than Latin. All the coins are a simple design portraying shields on both sides. The silver halfpenny was also issued for the last time. In AD 1651 the presses of a Frenchman Pierre Blondeau produced a series of Milled coins.
The Commonwealth proved to be a joyless period with theatres and other places of entertainment being closed. Christmas was also abolished. Militarily Cromwell led a successful but brutal campaign in Ireland and a number of naval victories were gained over the Dutch. The Long Parliament was finally dissolved in AD 1653 and Oliver Cromwell was eventually asked to become Lord Protector. When he died in AD 1658 the succession past to his son Richard however infighting resulted in Parliament deciding to recall Charles II and the Restoration of the monarchy in AD 1660.
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