Belgae Gold Chute Stater 50BC
Belgae tribe, Chute type Gold Stater dating to around 50BC
Wreath, Cloak and crescents / Disjointed horse left, crab below.
17x18mm, 6.08g
ABC746, S22
This example is better than usual, struck on a slightly larger flan which makes all the difference and with clear detail on both sides. We’ve seen a lot of these over the years including coins from the famous ‘Chute Hoard’ and they don’t often come as well balanced as this one.
This type gained it’s name from the famous flint money box hoard, a hollow flint nodule found in a field near Chute, Wiltshire containing several hundred Chute type staters. The first hoard was found by an off duty policeman while out beating and then 20 years later another group (presumed to be part of the same original hoard) was found by a savvy metal detectorist who’d done his research, part of this group was disclaimed and sold privately by us.
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