Anglo Gallic Henry VI Gold Salut D’or 1422-1453AD Rouen mint


Code: PM480

Anglo Gallic Henry VI Gold Salut D’or 1422-1453AD Rouen mint

27mm, 3.50g

Initial mark leopard, pellet in annulet under last letter of legend on both sides, outside inner circle on obverse, inside inner circle on reverse, Obverse shows Virgin Mary and Angel standing behind shields of France and England, sunburst above, AVE on scroll downwards between, HENRICVS DEI GRA FRACORV Z AGLIE REX, initial mark leopard. The reverse depicts a Latin cross with h below, lis to left, lion to right facing left, within a tressure of ten arcs, lis on cusps, legend with mullet stops surrounding, XPC VINCIT XPC REGNAT XPC IMPERAT.

The gold Salut d’Or was struck over two issues under King Henry VI as King of England and France, the first from February to September of 1423, which is heavier and has a hand of Benediction above the scroll on the obverse. This example from the lighter second issue has the divine radiance above the scroll, and was issued from 6th September 1423.

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