Summer Newsletter

Dear Collectors, Welcome to our Summer Newsletter!

We’re excited to bring you the latest updates, insights and news from Silbury Coins, including links to a couple of exciting Roman coin hoards which we have just launched and our current featured coins. As always, if you have any questions or to discuss adding to your collection please don’t hesitate to contact the team.

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The Silbury Spotlight

Æthelred II ‘The Unready’
AD 978-1016

Son of Eadgar, Aethelred ‘the Unready’ became king in AD 978 at the mere age of 12, following the brutal murder of his half-brother Edward the Martyr. Young and easy to manipulate, he came to depend on his councillors for their prudent advice – an aspect in which they badly let him down. Though his reign is noted for its economic reforms and a high standard for the English coinage, it was marred by Scandinavian raids, periods of acute social instability and famine.

To view our current stock of Aethelred II coins click here or to read more about the ‘The Unready’ click here.

The Carleton St Peter Hoard

The exciting hoard was discovered in February 2000 by a metal detectorist searching near the village. He first found 53 coins together with fragments of a grey ware pot. Two further searches revealed a further 53 and 21 coins making a total of 127 in all. All the coins were of made of bronze and from a the Constantine period, all being minted after AD 320. Silbury Coins has recently published an informative booklet alongside exclusively offering them for sale.

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Impressive London Medallion

This truly magnificent piece will be familiar to many as the Arras Medallion of Constantius I. A spectacular gold medallion valued at 10 solidi issued to commemorate the end of Constantius’s campaign, his victory over the British usurper Allectus and the recapture of London circa AD 297. The Arras medallion was part of the Beaurais hoard which was found just outside the city of Arras in AD 1922. A magnificent treasure trove of ancient gold and silver including no less than 25 gold medallions like this! Unfortunately, much of the hoard was plundered but what was retained, including the Arras medallion, are now on display in the British & Arras Museums. This is an early 20th Century copy of the original in gold, recently offered for sale on our website, what a great piece to own.

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Queen Mary Fine Sovereign

This Fine Sovereign, valued at 30 shillings, features Queen Mary (AD 1553-1554) on the throne holding royal symbols. The coin bears a Latin inscription on the reverse. It is a rare and well-crafted piece, showcasing advancements in minting technology. The Sovereign was ordered with high gold purity and a face value of thirty shillings under the reign of Queen Mary, with the mint mark pomegranate symbolizing the Royal house of Aragon. Silbury Coins enjoyed photographing and handling this incredible coin recently. Read more about this majestic Sovereign on our website now and contact us if you are interested in something similar.

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The Dereham Hoard

This Dereham hoard of some 1049 Roman silver coins was found in 2004 by metal detectorists Pat & Sally Buckley. The hoard was buried in a greyware pot during or shortly after AD 240 during the reign of the Roman emperor Gordian III. Here it remained until disturbed by ploughing in the early 2000’s.

The hoard is unusual not only for its size but also for its terminal date. Most of the hoards found in Britain were much earlier, generally dating from the end of the 2nd century.

Click below to read our full article on this hoard and watch out for the coins which will be available online soon…

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Local Archaeology

The “Missing Link” project on the A417 in Gloucestershire has led to the unveiling of hidden archaeological treasures. The project, aimed at improving a notorious bottleneck section of the A417, has provided a unique opportunity for extensive archaeological investigations in the Cotswolds.

During these investigations, archaeologists have uncovered a wealth of artefacts and historical sites, shedding light on the region’s rich past. Here are some highlights of the findings:

1. Prehistoric Settlements: Evidence of ancient human activity dating back thousands of years, including tools and other artefacts from prehistoric times.

2. Roman Artefacts: The region has a significant Roman history, and the excavations revealed Roman artefacts such as pottery, coins, and building materials.

3. Medieval Remains: Items from the medieval period were also found, including remnants of structures and everyday objects.

4. Burial Sites: Some of the most intriguing finds include ancient burial sites.

The archaeological work conducted as part of the project not only helps to preserve these important historical treasures but also contributes significantly to understanding the historical landscape of Gloucestershire. Read More

Brussels Hoard

The Brussels hoard is by any standard the largest discovery of medieval silver coins ever in terms of numbers, weight and, probably more important for the owners of these coins in medieval Brabant, also the value. But it is not only the largest medieval hoard as such, it is also the largest ever find of Flemish and English medieval coins. To view coins for sale click here and for further reading visit the article.

An Extensive Range of Iron Age/Celtic Coins

Silbury Coins specialises in Iron Age and Celtic coins. Our extensive & unrivalled stock encompasses all British tribes and some early Gallic coins. Most dealers do not understand this series of early British coinage and therefore offer little or none for sale, here at Silbury we have been immersed in Ancient Britain for decades, our specialist, John Philpotts grew up in Wiltshire and handled his first Celtic coin at the age of 7!

Ranging in price from £50-£10,000 there is something for every budget and the artistic merit of this period is magical! Immerse yourself in our world of Ancient British Coinage by clicking here.


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