Roman Imperatorial Mark Anthony 30 BC Silver Denarius
Roman Imperatorial Mark Anthony 30 BC Silver Denarius
Galley / Eagle, between standards
LEG ??
RCV1479; 16mm, 2.85g
Comes with find area
Mark Antony was born around 83BC. After a somewhat dissolute childhood he joined the army where he distinguished himself as a cavalry commander in the East. He returned and joined Julius Caesar in Gaul where he became a trusted lieutenant. Appointed a tribune he defended Caesar in a hostile Senate. After Caesar’s invasion of Italy Antony was appointed supreme commander in Italy whilst Caesar campaigned and defeated Pompey in Spain. The following year he commanded Caesar’s left wing at the battle of Pharsalus which resulted in Pompey’s final defeat.
Problems in Italy over the next few years resulted in a rift with Caesar although following Caesar’s assassination on the Ides of March AD44 Antony became leader of Caesar’s supporters. Mark Antony’s initial aim was to exact revenge on the Republican conspirators which were led by Brutus and Cassius. After defeating the Republicans at the Battle of Philippi in AD 42 Antony, and his supporters Octavian and Lepidus, formed the Second Triumvirate and exercised supreme power. Over the next decade the more astute Octavian eliminated Lepidus whilst Antony undermined his support by repudiating his wife Octavia, sister of Octavian and also by his increasingly close relationship with Cleopatra Queen of Egypt.
The final trial of strength came at the naval Battle of Actium in 31BC where Octavian was victorious. Fleeing back to Egypt Antony and Cleopatra committed suicide when Octavian invaded Egypt the following year.
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