Corieltavi Lat Ison AD 40 – 47 Gold Plated Stater *Excessively Rare*
Corieltavi Lat Ison AD 40 – 47 Gold Plated Stater
Lat Ison Box
Excessively Rare
ABC1956, S423, 17mm, 3.37g
Found ‘on farmland close to the River Trent’, Lincolnshire, 1996. Recorded with Ashmolean Museum, ref. CCI 07.2334. . lat ison is one of the last and consequently more mysterious inscriptions to appear on the native coinage emanating from Corieltavi territory at the time of the Claudian conquest. Whatever the true intentions of the inscription the few known examples all display its form in retrograde and all but one on gold plated cores.
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