Oliver Cromwell AD 1656-1658 Silver Halfcrown AD 1658


Code: NM451

Oliver Cromwell AD 1656-1658 Silver Halfcrown

Draped and laureate bust of Oliver Cromwell left/ Crowned shield

A high grade example of this important name in the shaping of British history. Even dark tone.

S3227A, 34mm, 15.07g

Indirectly descended from Henry VIII chief minister Thomas Cromwell Oliver Cromwell was born in AD 1599 to a landowning family from Huntingdon. He entered Parliament in AD 1628 and initially he did not oppose King Charles although he was leading campaigner against the king’s bishops and their lack of religious toleration. When the Civil War started Cromwell’s ability as a leader and organiser led to his rapid promotion with the creation of the New Model army which became known as Roundheads by their opponents. This army started to triumph over the king’s forces after several lacklustre campaigns at the start of the campaign. By keeping control of London and the main sources of finance the Royalist forces were eventually forced to sue for peace.
King Charles though managed to escape and tried to reclaim his kingdom by raising fresh forces in Scotland. Defeated again he was brought back to London where he was tried and executed in AD 1649. The monarchy was abolished and initially the country was governed as a Republic under the Commonwealth. Rivalries however forced Cromwell to take over as Lord Protector in AD 1653. Although invited to become king Cromwell refused although many of the trappings of royalty were reinstated including Cromwell draped and laureate bust which appeared on milled coins minted that were minted between AD 1656 and 1658.
Cromwell’s campaigns against the Scots and particularly the Irish are well known. There were also a number of naval campaigns against the Dutch and Spanish which saw the resurgence of the Royal Navy and beginnings of what was to become the British Empire.


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